Equipment Appraisal
The many advantages associated with equipment appraisal
Determine the fair cost of
Replacing nine of the company’s assets provides adequate coverage and offsets to unforeseen events.
Mortage financing
Asset financing is a
valuable tax resource.
Our appraisers are accredited to major financial institutions in Canada.
Business sale or purchase
Inventory of equipment
and fair value of assets are issues surrounding the transaction.
Financial planning
Good internal management
involves a detailed knowledge of the value of its assets.
The description of your equipment
Each asset under examination is described exhaustively.

Le rapport d’évaluation expose nos démarches et calculs

Valeur d’usage restante pour chaque item à l’étude

Sound asset management involves a detailed inventory of your equipment as well as an in-depth knowledge of the different values associated with it. Our expertise provides you with a detailed report listing each piece of equipment under examination, with visual support and showing the traces of our exhaustive efforts justifying our results.
Our equipment assessment experts conduct a visual inspection of the assets and record all the information required for a complete description in order to accurately determine the desired values.
The advantages associated with equipment appraisal by our professionals
- Obtaining an accurate and structured list of the inventory of your assets
- Determining the updated new replacement cost for insurance purposes
- Accurately reflecting the fair business continuity value of your fixtures and furnishings
- Knowing the real market value of your equipment on the free market
- Clarifying the orderly and forced liquidation values in a decision-making context
- Establishing a customized asset management strategy in a dedicated context
The various situations requiring an equipment appraisal report
- Providing insurers with a certified document
- Obtaining financing
- Determining the current value of the assets in a sale or purchase situation
- Supporting businesses in making strategic decisions
The experts at GDA specialize in the appraisal of heavy, manufacturing, industrial, commercial, and municipal equipment. Our reach extends across Quebec, the provinces of Canada, the United States, and Europe.
Our other services
We will support you in the dispute and pre-filing negotiation process to ensure that you are paying your taxes on a fair basis.
Avoid cost overruns. This service allows the lender and the borrower to benefit from rigorous monitoring of the progress of the costs for buildings under construction or undergoing major renovations.
Useful to condominium syndicates, this service allows for sound contingency fund management, thereby ensuring the accumulation of the capital required for major repairs to be completed on the building in the future.
Make sure that your building has sufficient insurance coverage to avoid finding yourself with a shortfall in the event of a major claim.
We handle several types of property assets (multi-tenant, commercial, industrial, land, institutional) for the purposes of mortgage financing, purchase, sale, liquidation, estate division, internal management, etc.
For reasons of public interest, the State can force an owner to transfer their property to it. Our team’s role consists of determining the indemnity—that is, the value of the expropriated property and the compensation for the damage resulting from the expropriation.
Thanks to our privileged relationships with a large number of real estate stakeholders, we can help you position your real estate project on the market.
At GDA, our team of recognized expert witnesses and qualified professionals
excels in guiding and advising clients through the complexities of real estate
litigation. We bring clarity and strategic insight to every case.